Wildland Urban Interface Home Project – Week 3
It’s week three of our Wildland Urban Interface Home Project of the Week Campaign.
Here’s a quick recap of the projects in week one and two:
Week 1: Declutter – move anything that can burn (wood, trash, etc.) away from your home.
Week 2: The Roof – Remove debris from roof and gutters.
This week the project is PRUNING. Cut tree branches so that the lowest limbs are 6 to 10 feet off the ground and aren’t overhanging the roof, decks, or porches. Cut bushes and shrubs so that they aren’t touching your home and remove dead vegetation.
For information on how to dispose of vegetation visit kingcounty.gov/…/solid-wa…/garbage-recycling/yard-waste.aspx. If you live in Pierce County, go to https://www.piercecountywa.gov/1525/Yard-Waste
Week 4 Sneak Peek – Decks and Porches