Fitting a bike helmet

Helmet Fit

Earlier this week you learned about bike safety and why it’s important to always wear a helmet. A helmet will only keep you safe if it fits you. Today you will learn how your helmet should fit on your head.

  1.  Watch the video to learn how your helmet should fit. Handout: How to Fit a Bike Helmet.
  2.  With help from an adult, find your helmet and test to see if it fits following the steps in the video.


Helmet Safety Activities

This week you’ve been learning about walking and biking safety. Today you can work on some fun activities to continue to learn about helmet safety and also design/color your own helmet coloring page.

Helmet Match Activity

Helmets are used in many sports and activities. Match all of the helmets with the correct sport: Match the Helmet.

Color a Helmet

You can also print out a helmet coloring page and color a helmet your favorite color: Decorate A Helmet.